Thursday, June 14, 2012

Wii are "best fwiends!"

One thing I love about that sweet husband of mine is that when he sets his mind to something, he follows through.  He has decided to work on his health.  He has been using our dusty Wii Fit game and doing the yoga setting.  He is finding that it is really helping his back, neck, and posture.  Oh, it is also great father/daughter bonding time!

Olivia is interested in anything that Daddy is interested in.  She says it "because Daddy is my best fwiend!"   If Daddy likes Cheerios, Olivia likes Cheerios.  If Daddy likes reading, Olivia likes reading.  If Daddy jumps off a cliff.....well, she'd probably send Benjamin.  Anyway, Olivia decided that she needed "to get some eddercise like Daddy to be healfy."


This one is my favorite.

She even stands like him.  I love this!

He is such a good Dad.  I love that man!

Who knew?!

After making the belly cakes for the baby showers at church, the pastor's wife asked me if I'd make the wedding cake for her SIL.  I have never made a wedding cake before.  I really wanted to do it simply to see if I could do it.  However, weddings and all things wedding-y tend to be very emotional things, so I didn't want to say yes, botch the whole cake job, and have a disappointed bride.  Keeping this in mind, I said yes.  (?!?!!)  There is something wrong with me.

Luckily, Evelyn was excited and wanted to help me.  She is really good at artistic things.  I am good at practical, methodical things.  We ended up being a great pair.

This is what we ended up with.  I was thrilled.  Hm.  Who knew that Ev and I could make wedding cakes.  I should probably change my phone number......  ;D

Beginning.  I think it is pretty just like this.

Terry wanted a teacup on the top that was tipped over and had flowers spilling out of it.

Cake sitting on top of little bowls of purple glass beads.  The cake was lit from underneath.

I love that they set it on burlap.  Pretty.