Sunday, August 16, 2009

PA, Day 6

Our last day with our PA family was a very busy, yet fun, one! The day started out with the boys playing some sort of Lego game, as usual! They did this the entire time we were there.

Benjamin loved having someone who liked to play just the same way he did.

I got this one of Katrina when she was just laying down and thinking.

Kevin's Aunt Beulah (his mother's sister) came over for lunch. She lives in a retirement facility in Mechanicsburg. Benjamin has only seen her once, and Olivia has never met her.

She was quite fond of the children. I actually have a picture of Kevin's mom making this exact same face and talking to Olivia. I like it!

I rather like this picture!

Afterwards, we all went down to the Mechanicsburg Jubilee Day! It is exactly like our Alley Fest. It was very hot and sunny.

The children all decided to wear their hats!

They had a couple of display cars. Benjamin had never seen a VW bus before. You know we must take pictures if there is a VW in the vicinity!

Giving the baby a drink requires teamwork! ;-)

Olivia and her Uncle Michael again! She liked him VERY much!

We finished up our Jubilee Day with a treat at the ice cream shop on the way home. It was a perfect ending to a hot outing! Oh, and we also found a geocache while in the parking lot!

That evening, we had more company. It was the pastor and his wife that used to be at the BIC church in Michigan. Everyone had a nice time sitting around talking, enjoying a dessert Julia made, and playing around. Olivia weaseled her Uncle Michael to play with her! I'm guessing he didn't mind......

Being wheeled around on Uncle Michael's special seat invention!

Playing Peek-a-boo!

Flying baby!!

This is probably my favorite picture from the trip of the two of them. Look at the smiles on their faces!! They're just cracking up! He's a good uncle!

Another trip on the seat with Julia!

Helping Auntie Leta do some sweeping!

It was a very nice ending to a very nice week!

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