Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just ask.

We've all heard "you have not because you ask not."  I have heard it in countless sermons and seen it written in several places, but I confess that it has always just been "sermon talk" to me. Tonight I understand it. 

I have not because I ask not.....not because the Lord doesn't want me to have it, but because I haven't bothered to ask Him for it.  I haven't given Him the time to say, "Oh, sure!  Why not?"  It's like my own children.  For instance, today Olivia wanted a pear.  There really was no good reason NOT to give it to her, but I wouldn't have necessarily thought to do it.  Then she asked, and I thought, "Well, sure.  Why not?"  She said thank you and walked away happily munching on her little green treasure.  Olivia asks for stuff all of the time!  I often say no, but later she asks for something new....sometimes she asks for the same thing again.  The point is that she asks!!  For all of the "no" responses she may get, she still knows that, if it is something that is good for her, there is a very good chance that I'll say ok.

Really, how simple is this?  How did I not get this?  I'm a smart girl.  I read my Bible.  I know it says ask.  How did this one little thing fly right over my head?  How many little green treasures could I have walked away with had I simply asked? 

I sort of feel like a whole new world of possibilities has opened up to me.  How generous is He?!  I'm going to ask!  You ask!!  Oh where to start? 

Where are you going to start?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happiness is...

--Watching the children pretend to be Perry and Dr. Doofenschmirtz (if you don't get this reference, you don't know what you're missing!).

--Spending an hour and a half on the phone with my sister. 

--Laughing so hard in that hour and a half that I finally believe that milk can, indeed, come out of your nose if you laugh too hard.

--Knowing that a friend made it safely to her destination.

--Noticing the blossoming of new friendships.

--Watching Olivia's "washing up" dance.

--Teaming up with Kevin to make Benjamin laugh after his "I don't neeeeeeeeed a nap" nap!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

You know it's hot when..... worry about hanging your clothes outside because they may shrink in the heat!!  Might as well put them in the dryer, I suppose.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

If blogs could yawn....

...then this one would stretch its arms and do just that.

I've missed you, fun friend.