Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happiness is...

--Watching the children pretend to be Perry and Dr. Doofenschmirtz (if you don't get this reference, you don't know what you're missing!).

--Spending an hour and a half on the phone with my sister. 

--Laughing so hard in that hour and a half that I finally believe that milk can, indeed, come out of your nose if you laugh too hard.

--Knowing that a friend made it safely to her destination.

--Noticing the blossoming of new friendships.

--Watching Olivia's "washing up" dance.

--Teaming up with Kevin to make Benjamin laugh after his "I don't neeeeeeeeed a nap" nap!


li'l Muppet-lhead said...

which one got to be Perry? *grin* great way to keep the kids quiet..."shhhh! we got to see who makes the best 'Perry'!" LMAO!!!! :)

Stephanie said...

Yea,. you're back. :) I haven't actually checked my igoogle in a very long time. I guess I'll have to revisit it more often.