Sunday, January 3, 2010

Little things

Today I was cooking a new dish. It had corn and cream cheese and stuff in it. Olivia comes in the kitchen, as she is prone to do, looks at me, and says, "Bite!!" So, I put one little piece of corn in her mouth. She chews it up slowly, looks at me, and says, "Ummy!" It was cute!

Benjamin and I were playing a "No blinking" game this morning. At the end of one round, which I lost, he says, "I won Mommy. You blunk first and then I blunk. We both blunk!!" Funny!

Last night I was holding him and pretending to give him a little spanking. He said, "Oh no, that will hurt." I told him that it wouldn't because his hiney has extra cushioning on it. He says, "I wish my head had extra cushioning too for when I fall off of the swings." Ha!

Those babies sure are cute!

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