Thursday, November 18, 2010

Olivia Wears Many Hats!!

This summer we went to Mountain View, AK for our vacation.  It is a nice little town that houses the Ozark Folk Center.  The Folk Center has weavers, blacksmiths, knife makers (yeah, I'm sure it has a fancier name), picnic swings, soap makers, etc.  Benjamin LOVED this place.  One morning while Benjamin was with a group making corn husk dolls, we took Olivia into the gift shop.  She found these hats and that was all she wrote.  Who needs to pay admission into a place when we can just go to random hat stores?!  It was fun!!

Laura Ingalls hat!  She'll be randomly running away from things in fields in no time.

 Dancing in a Dick Van Dyke movie hat!  Old Bamboo, Old Bamboo....

Hm.  I got nothin'

 Super Duper Sunburn Prevention hat!  Well, if one wants a plaid-type sunburn.

 Hepburn Hat!


 Kentucky Derby hat!  This one makes me laugh!!  I suppose it could be a backup to Sunburn Prevention Hat!

 Help-Please-I'm-Being-Attacked-by-a-Squirrel hat!

 No pictures!  No pictures!  Princess Livi coming through.

 Peek a boo hat, take 1!

Peek a boo hat, take 2!

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