Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jesus loves the little children...and their Mommies.

Benjamin will start the first grade tomorrow. I have been feeling like my world is coming to an end. Yes, Benjamin went to school last year, but only from 8-11:45. This year he will be at school from 7:30-3! I am already worried about missing him so much and about only having around 4 hours with him each day. I adore that boy! Being without him makes me sad.

I have a whole new respect for Kevin's mother now (not that I didn't have any before). She and Kevin's father were missionaries in Africa. They were doing work for the Lord and the education that was available for their children was less than appealing. Kevin and Michael went to a boarding school 400 miles away for about 9 months out of the year. How did she do it?! I have heard her say before that she just had to trust the Lord with her children when she didn't know what else to do. They are amazing!

Tonight I feel like the Lord really made an effort to show me that He has all of this in His hands. We were getting ready to do our devotion time with the children tonight. I told Benjamin to go and get our Bible story book. We started a new one tonight, so I opened it up to the first story. It was titled "Jesus Loves Children." It talked about how Jesus loves children and how he thinks we should all be like children because of their simplicity and their faith. It went on to say how Jesus doesn't like anyone to hurt His children and how He takes care of them because He loves them so.

It was really special to me. Not only was this story a good one to encourage Benjamin for tomorrow, but it was also a loving reminder to me that Jesus loves Benjamin more than I ever could and that He will take care of him when I can't.

Thank you, Lord, for loving me so much that you would make this happen like it did tonight. I see your hand in this and I am thankful!!


Adriana said...

I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! Call or come over if you're feeling overwhelmed!! You are amazing! I love you, Kim.

Unknown said...


I was just reading though your blog and this one really touched me! What a great story and great example of your faithfulness. It is so interesting to catch up with you after all of these years, you have a precious family and a great blog!