Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Conversations in the Car

On the way home from VBS today, Benjamin and Jasper were talking about what they learned today.

Jasper: This fish picture means that I am a Christian.
Benjamin: I am too. I'm a Christian.
Jasper: I've been a Christian for a long time. Like, since I first heard about it!
Benjamin: Me too!

Another conversation went like this:
(Benjamin drops his VBS craft on the floorboard)
Benjamin: I sure love having feet!!
Jasper: Me too!
Benjamin: 'Cause if you drop something in the car then, bwoop, you can pick it up with your feet!
Jasper: Or you can open the gate with them!!
Benjamin: Yeah!

It is hard not to laugh. So cute!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I can so hear that conversation perfectly in my head! Lisps and all!! I love those boys!! Thanks for sharing!