Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Footwear Fiasco!


Our daughter loves shoes! We didn't teach her this. Apparently she came programmed this way...along with Super powerful amplifiers and a strange love of Mardi Gras beads!

Well, on this particular day, she was wearing one shoe from her many pairs of shoes. She loves her shoes so much that she must carry them all around the house lest they feel lonely. As a result, we couldn't find the other one! Let's just say that that was not what she wanted to hear:

"How can I show my face with only these snazzy beads and one shoe!?"

"What's that? You think you may know where my beloved shoe is?!"

"Allllright. I'm listening." (Oh, and I love her hair in this picture)

"YAY! You found it! You're awesome Mommy!"

"This calls for a celebration! Water all around!"


Stephanie said...

You're so fun. Your posts make me smile.

Kim said...

I'm glad! I love to watch Kevin read them. He grins too.

Jaime said...

I love your picture comments. You crack me up. :-)