Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Snakes and Sleep


What a creepy title, huh?!

As you may have already figured out, I love pictures of my babies sleeping. So, one night I thought I'd shake it up a bit and take pictures of them as they headed off to Dreamland. I figured I would have pictures of them drowsily curled up in their little beds, chubby hands holding on to their stuffed animals. Yeahhhh...about that:

Look at my snake, Mommy. His name is Mr. Blue Snake!

Mommy, Mr. Blue Snake is going to bite you!! Don't worry though, his poison isn't poisonous! (imagine that!)

What are you talking about?! I am going to sleep!

...but now I need to do a quick bedtime karate kick!!

Nah, really. I'm lying down right now.

....right after I do a few Bouncity Bounces!

Bouncity bounce, bouncity bounce....

And BAM!

BAM! BAM! (yes, he really is sleeping!)

(Side note: Turns out that Benjamin had a change of heart about Mr. Blue Snake and his poison producing abilities. We had to part with Mr. Blue Snake because while we were in PA Benjamin prayed every night about God keeping our house safe so that Mr. Blue Snake didn't come to life, spit poison on everything, and destroy our house! Wow. Yeah. Anxiety.)


Stephanie said...

And you want to send that poisonous snake over to my house!!!!!!! Some friend you are.

Kim said...

Yeah, well, you see....um. If Mr. Blue Snake had a friend to occupy his time, perhaps he wouldn't be so mischievous.