Thursday, July 2, 2009

Little Rabbit Foo Foo gets a conscience!

Today I was singing the Little Rabbit Foo Foo song to the kids. Olivia was just Olivia is prone to do. Benjamin, however, was analyzing the actions of Little Rabbit Foo Bulgriens are prone to do.

For those of you who aren't familiar with this song, you can find the lyrics here.
(just for grins, notice that there is a warning at the top of the page telling you that this song is sensitive and may be offensive to some. Perhaps they are picturing this rabbit:)


Benjamin: Mommy, why does he keep bonking those field mice when she tells hiim not to? Why does she keep giving him chances (side note...we don't do X number of chances at our house. Do it the first time!)?

Me: I don't know. He should just obey the first time, huh?

Benjamin: Yeah. Mommy sing it again, but make him obey this time.

Mommy: Ummm. Little Rabbit Foo Foo went hopping through the forest...

Benjamin: Mommy, he probably shouldn't go in to the forest if he can't do the right thing when he is there.

Mommy: Huh? Oh. Right!

Benjamin: Sing it again.

Mommy: Little Rabbit Foo Foo didn't go hopping through the forest...

Benjamin: That's good. Now make the Good Fairy tell him no more chances.

Mommy: ...And the Good Fairy said, I won't give you any second chances because you should obey the first time...

Benjamin: Mommy, I love this song!


Stephanie said...


Jaime said...

That is too funny! We sing that song, too, and I've always wondered at the lyrics... I think I like Benjamin's better, too! :-) Too cute!

Laura said...

Hey friend,

I have an award for you on my blog :) Don't you feel honored!!

shelly jean said...

Now that's funny, and I so see him doing that.

dwb said...

And don't you think God loves that heart and mind!