Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oh, the rain!!!!

Benjamin and I had talked about having a rain play day this week. We did this at the end of the summer last year and had a blast. A few weeks ago when it was raining, Benjamin remembered. The problem was that it was 40 degrees outside (that is downright arctic in Texas!). Today when it started raining I knew what we would do!

So, after Olivia went down for her nap, I walked over to Stephanie's...in the rain! *gasp!* I rang her doorbell and she came to the door all groggy. I woke her up from her nap. Uh oh. I simply asked her to come and play in the puddles with me. Now, if you know Stephanie, you know that this is a perfectly normal sort of request. If you don't, well, you are missing out! She went back inside to do something, leaving me to doubt this idea for a nanosecond. Then she came right back out and rolled up her jeans and we were off!!

Sure, it was weird for the first 30 seconds. We kicked water on each other and the children looked at us kind of strange, but, I guess, they quickly decided that we were SOOO cool! Then it was an all out water battle. We had water guns, buckets, pails, cups, tea pitchers, water bottles, and bubble containers. Stephanie was the first to lug out the 5 gallon bucket...which she promptly threw right on me. It was hilarious!!

We went over to get Laura. I didn't know if she would join in or pack her family back up and move as quick as possible. She was cooking dinner, being responsible, didn't play in water, blah blah blah. Guess who was out there with us in no time?!? Yup! Laura! Her son even ran around in a long rain slicker and goggles. Again, hilarious. Bless her heart, she's stuck with us now. That is as proper an initiation as any, I'd say!

Before we knew it Sherene, Eliana, and William were out with us too. William was in his little fireman rain slicker an was spraying us with a dinosaur water gun. Sherene wasn't going to participate either, but we enticed her with the 5 gallon bucket. That was the cream of the crop vessel today! Pretty soon, she was wet too!!

I think both Stephanie and I had wondered what the neighbors would think, and I think we were both pleased to see that they thought it was such a great idea that they had to join in too!

We had a blast! It is probably one of the best days that I can remember in this neighborhood. When everyone went home, my heart was so full it could have burst!!! If any of you are reading this, thank you!! Thank you for being willing to be different even if it seems like the weird thing to do. You brought such a joy into my life today. Stephanie, your prayer was answered again. You were "stupid for Jesus" and you blessed me beyond belief!! Laura, I'm so glad you're here! Sherene, be careful, we may come for you more often. 8-)

I would be remiss if I did not say that I did see this as another outpouring of love from the Father. I noticed as we were playing that the pollen was floating on top of all of the puddles. Tonight I thought about how the pollen is so very troublesome for some of us. It brings discomfort or even serious pain. But, it is a necessary part of spring...of bringing about new life and beauty. Yet, at the right time, the rain comes and washes it away. So, perhaps that is cheeseball, but it works for me. I am so thankful for the simple, albeit cheeseball, lessons that I am learning lately.

I'm thankful for the love that God is pouring all over me lately. I feel like I've been struggling and struggling and now He is flooding me with love!! And that is how I felt with this rain today. I keep thinking of this song by Michael W. Smith that says:

And only You, the Son of man
Can take a leper and let him stand
So lift your hands, they can be held
By someone greater, the great I Am

Healing rain, it comes with fire
So let it fall and take us higher
Healing rain, I'm not afraid
To be washed in Heaven's rain

Oh, the joy!! Oh, the rain!!!


Stephanie said...

That's neat. I hadn't thought of it that way but so often I do view rain as a cleansing of my soul. Ted has a cool story about dancing in the rain - Mercy is falling. Isn't it neat that we're in this together? It never ceases to amaze me how personal God is. Things are so much better when shared with a friend. Thanks my friend! You bless me too.

Laura said...

Okay you two! Stop the mushy stuff!! You know I am not into all of the girlie stuff! {sniff sniff}

Next time we play it will definately have to be with lightsabers in the yard!! hee-hee

Kim said...

You can be our MACHO friend. LoL!

Laura said...

I prefer geeky, sci-fi friend! Macho sounds like I am a jock ;)

Kim said...

Well, you do shoot deer.....