Sunday, March 15, 2009

Toy Story ruined it for everyone!

It was very sad for the sweet baby. She was lying in the box so quietly waiting to be removed and loved on by my little Livi.

I tear open the box and go to hand the baby to Livi only to find the baby bound to the box with a plastic tie around her neck. While thinking that is a wee bit disturbing, I remove the tie, pat myself on the back for a job well done, and try to remove the baby again.

Oh no!! I discover that the baby has her chubby, pink little hands and feet tied up as well. I yell, "Don't worry, little baby, I will free you from your cardboard prison!!" My timely removal of the baby was hindered by the fact that the bad guys at the plant had twisted the little ties 4,651,651 times per limb and then secured them with a little plastic bar! After 7 hours of sweat and minimal swearing at the bad guys, I freed the baby!! Yay!!

I wracked my brain to try to figure why such measures were necessary, and could only come up with this....TOY STORY! That's right. They ruined it for everyone. We cannot leave our presumably innocent toys free in their boxes any more. No! This is not your parents' generation of toys. Look at what toys these days do when left rattling around in their boxes!

Gang violence! Drive by shootings!

Evil plans to take over the cities!!

Evasion tutorials.

Frightening, no? We should all thank Mr. Plastic Tie Man for protecting us from these clandestine toy gatherings. Thank him for tying every toy, whether it be an innocent baby or an unassembled plastic grocery cart, firmly to its container.

I will rest better tonight.


Laura said...


I enjoyed that so much!! So are too funny!!

Redneck Barbie said...

You are so freakin funny! I'm peein myself over here and the dogs are all lookin at me like I'm nuts! Maybe I am since I'm worried about what the DOGS are thinkin!