Saturday, April 4, 2009

Carseats, Cuddles, and Cutlery

Olivia is now riding in her "big girl carseat." On Thursday, I washed all of the padding. It hasn't been used for about 2 years now, so it really needed it. Then Kevin put the seat back together. We put Olivia in it and decided to go for a practice run.

Benjamin thought that having her sitting like him was great!!

Olivia, on the other hand, was not really digging it.

She eventually came around.

She really liked being able to see the cars going by. She told several of the cars "bye bye." It was cute.

She really liked it when Daddy finally took her out of the seat!
And Benjamin wanted his picture to be taken in the car too! Equality, you see!

Olivia was very cute this morning. She is not used to seeing Kevin in bed because he is already up and leaving for work when she wakes up in the morning. So, this morning I brought her in our room and put her on the bed. She played around for a minute or so and then she heard Kevin snore. She was very excited.

She crawled up there by his head and sat as close as she could to him.

Then, she "loved on Daddy."

And when he responded to her cuddle she was so excited that she could hardly stand it!! Daddy almost lost a nose in the deal! LoL!

This little girl ADORES her Daddy! From the time he gets home from work until the time she goes to bed, she is right at his heels...or, as anyone here can tell you, on his shoulders. She just squeals when she sees him get home from work, and sobs terribly when he leaves. It's so nice to see how much they love each other. That's how it should be with Dads and daughters, right?


And what post would be complete without a picture of a boy and a sword!?!