Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter doings

Well, this post if obviously late, but better late than never, right?

Easter was a very relaxing day for us...once we figured out what time church started. I was wondering why Kevin bolted out of bed promptly at 7:15. I told him to lay back down and relax with me...for Pete's sake, the kids were still asleep! I was under the impression that we didn't have to be to church until 10 (the time regular service starts). Kevin said that they were having our Sunday School class (that is at 9). He was right! I guess I am used to our old church. They usually cancelled Sunday School when there was a special service.

So I took my time getting the children ready. I was thinking about how nice it was to have everything set out and calm. HA! At 8:53 (yes, I remember) Kevin comments, very nicely, that we really should get to going. I tell him that we've got time. It's not even 9 yet. Then he drops the Sunday School bomb on me. 8-)

This is one of those times I am glad we had 2 cars. I sent him and the children on their way and I finished getting ready. On the way to church, the sky was BLACK. It looked like it was night time at 9:30 in the morning. The roads were also very empty. It was a really creepy sort of morning. The sky exploded right as I made it to church.

The service was interesting. It wasn't the message that you would expect to hear preached on Easter Sunday. The pastor (one of the two) actually spoke about the crucifixion instead of the resurrection. I guess it all goes together anyway, huh? I also found it odd that they really didn't do anything special for Easter. But, this is a new church and we are just learning how they do things.

When we got home I hid some plastic eggs for Benjamin and Olivia.

Olivia's were very stealthily hidden...right on the coffee table and on the seats of the gliders.

Benjamin had a great time finding his eggs. However, once Olivia realized that there were goldfish crackers in her eggs, she was DONE. She stood by Kevin and said, "BA BA BA!" until he opened hers. It was cute!

We then took the obligatory Easter photo...complete with the children in their Easter attire.
Or something like that!!

We had dinner (or whatever you call a meal at 2pm. Dinupper?) with the Forringers, Meltons, and several college students. After "dinupper" we played games. I will humbly (read AMAZINGLY, AWESOMELY, HAPPILY, IN-YOUR-FACE-ABLY) announce that Stephanie and I beat the Engineer and the Physicist in a probability game that involved dice. But, I don't want to brag. ;-)

It was a really great day!! When we went to bed, we all felt like this...

P.S. I am seriously considering putting up the Christmas pictures!!

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