Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Benjamin, Tests, and Prayers

Today was part 1 of the big Hudson PEP test. We haven't really made a big deal out of it with Benjamin. We just told him that he is going to go to Hudson PEP and do some worksheets there just like he does in class.

So, "for fun," a friend and I gave our kids a practice test yesterday. Benjamin got very upset during a couple parts of the test because he wasn't sure of the answers. This reaction disturbed me. Today his teacher assured me that he does not do that in class. I think that he reacted that way because he is used to me sitting at the table and telling him which answers are wrong. During the practice test I wouldn't help him because I wanted to see what he could do on his own. He did well.

As I was driving him to school this morning I was telling him that if he gets sad or frustrated that he just needed to take a breath, pray, and ask Jesus to help him be calm. He sort of mumbled, "Okay."

This afternoon when I picked him up, we were walking out of the school and he said, "Mommy, today I prayed to God and asked him to please help me." I asked Benjamin if he had gotten worried and he said, "No! I just asked God to help me get all of the right answers and He did! I think I got them all right!" :-)

It was a very touching to me. I often forget to go to God FIRST when things are getting to me. And here is my little guy catching on to the idea right away. I was proud of him and happy for him.

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