Monday, May 18, 2009

Interview with a 5 year old, Part 2

1. What is something dad always says to you?
Put up your shoes

2. What makes your dad happy?
That I play with him

3. What makes your dad sad?
If I don't listen

4. How does your dad make you laugh?
He tickles me A LOT!

5. What was your dad like as a child?
A baby.

6. How old is your dad?

7. How tall is your dad?
60 feet

8. What is your dad's favorite thing to do?
Play Crossfire.

9. What does your dad do when you aren't around?
He's at work.

10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Fixing computers.

11. What is your dad really good at?
Fixing computers.

12. What is your dad not very good at?
Building airplanes.

13. What does your dad do for his job?
Earn money at Vertex

14. What is your dad's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your dad?
That he can fix computers, my favorite things!

16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be?

17. What do you and your dad do together?
Play Crossfire.

18. How are you and your dad the same?
We both have a guitar shirt.

19. How are you and your dad different?
All of our other shirts are different.

20. How do you know your dad loves you?
He tells me.

21. What does your dad like most about your mom?
That she goes and buys everything.

22. Where is your dad's favorite place to go?

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