Thursday, May 7, 2009

Seafood...well, kinda

Benjamin's class has been doing something called ABC days at school. Each day is a different letter and they do some sort of activity that starts with that letter. For instance, they did an Easter Egg hunt for E day and had a Silly Sock day for S day. Well, Benjamin was sick on O day. On this day they had Octodogs for lunch at school. Benjamin was very sad that he missed this.

For those of you who are asking yourself, "Self, what is an octodog?" I will tell you. A hot dog with 8 slits in it. So, your pork product that is named after a canine magically becomes a sea creature. Imagine that....

I don't know what Benjamin's teacher did, but this was what Good Ole' Mommy came up with:

I took Ramen noodles (seaweed) and cooked them with mixed vegetables (logs and rocks). I drained the noodles and left out the seasoning packet. I then took the hotdogs and made the 8 legs. Boil the hotdogs for a few minutes so that the legs curl. In an effort to have some sort of nutritional value, I also used a cheese stick (obviously don't boil this or you end up with a jellyfish or something) and slit it as well. I used fennel seeds for eyes.

Kevin was impressed. Benjamin thought I was a genius.

What an observant son....

1 comment:

The Leonards said...

wow, this is really neat!!