Saturday, June 27, 2009

Food Photos

I was really tempted to make the title "Food Fotos," but I hate it when people purposely spell things wrong (think Kwik Kar Wash). Anyway.....

For Father's Day Kevin requested that we have my home made pizzas. Benjamin thought this was a great idea and wanted to help. I had a Pillsbury pizza crust from one of my Kroger trips, and let him use that and make his very own pizza. He said that his pizza needed to have sauce, cheese, pepperonis, canadian bacon, pineapple, and a teeny bit of onions. When he was spreading the sauce, I tried to tell him not to do it all the way to the edge because he needed to have a bit of crust. Well, he just decided that one corner of his pizza wouldn't have toppings and that could be the crust!

He thought he was quite the chef...notice his sprinkling technique!

The finished product! See the bottom left corner with no toppings? Crust!

Enjoying his work!

Sister enjoyed it too!

Olivia will not be outdone. She has her own ideas about cooking too! She and Kevin were eating lunch and she decided to show him how he should season his food.

"Hey! Wait! What are you doing?!"

"Let me do this! I know what I'm doing."

"You see Daddy, you have to turn your head like this and pout your lips. It doesn't matter if you leave the cap on the seasoning either."

Not only is Olivia a master seasoner, she has also decided that she is grown and can now feed herself. The problem is that neither of these things are true! However, we still let her try even it means cleaning her off in the front yard with a pressure washer!


Goal! Well, almost. If only that blasted spoon wouldn't turn itself upside down right as she went to put it in her mouth.

She is very proud of herself. When feeding her now, she tries to pull the spoon/fork out of our hands. There are many times when we have to pry it out of her hands. She loves this and doesn't cry a bit!

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